
Critical Care

/ (A Lecture Thing)

Jeremy Wade

«What happened to care? Who cares? Do we care? I think this care thing is critical; it's the missing piece of the democracy puzzle that presupposes that we are all self-sustaining and have equal abilities. Care is so bound up with the neo liberal project of self-mastery, self-improvement and subjectivity enhancement. Critical Care could be a strategic form of interdependence that temporarily dissipates the endless competition and isolation that capital generates. What if caring for others and ourselves were a radical act of slowing down, listening and creating spaces together that disrupt the production assembly line of social code.

I don't want to save the world but I do want to investigate a critical, queer and future inspired version of care that is not paternal, humanist, abelist, bio political or attached to exchange value. I want to talk about a few artists including myself who practice different forms of care in the context of the battlefield. What does this possibly impossible version of care look like?»
Jeremy Wade

«Critical Care» ist ein Langzeitprojekt mit Lectures, Performances und Diskussionen des Choreografen und Performance-Künstlers Jeremy Wade. Er präsentierte seine beeindruckende One-Clown Stand-up-Show «Death Asshole Rave Video» beim Festival «Keine Disziplin», sprach im April 2016 über Clownerie und politischen Aktivismus und wird uns im Mai mit Gedanken zur kritischen Pflege und Sorge infizieren.

→ In englischer Sprache. Eintritt frei.




09 Mo Südbühne