
The Replicator

/ Exhibition / MA of Arts in Transdisciplinarity / Zurich University of the Arts

Haseeb Ahmed & Eirini Sourgiadaki & Student_innen (MA of Arts in Transdisciplinarity)

«Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal»

Exhibition | MA of Arts in Transdisciplinarity | Zurich University of the Arts

Replica | copy | reproduction | repetition | mimicry | mimesis | imitation
A series of works realized by the students of «The Replicator» intensive seminar (Haseeb Ahmed & Eirini Sourgiadaki)

Installations (Saturday 27.5 & Sunday 28.5)

No love needed
Melinda Bieri

Installation –giveaways
Asexual reproduction – all we need to grow is sweetness. Baby mushrooms in glasses given for adoption

X Stück Mensch
Dorothea Mildenberger a.k.a. mc-swaghetti

video installation
A piece of a human. or two humans. or is it many pieces of one human? in any case: they meet.
ein stück Mensch. oder zwei Menschen. oder sind es viele stücke eines Menschen? jedenfalls: sie treffen sich.

fuga económica
Simone Mutti

Fugue [fyg] nom féminin

(latin fuga « fuite », de fugere → fuir)
I. Action, fait de s'enfuir momentanément du lieu où l'on vit habituellement. ➙ escapade, fuite. Faire une fugue.
II. Composition musicale écrite dans le style du contrepoint et dans laquelle un thème et ses imitations successives forment plusieurs parties. Fugue à deux, trois voix.

Dancing With Myself
Simone Mutti


Come and have a dance with yourself. Two persons needed.

Performances (Saturday 27.5)

17:30 The Original
Melinda Bieri

print-on-demand installation
Live signed prints. „I am the original“, says the first born. „I am the original“ answers the second born. So do the following ones. Is time the indicator for originality?

18:00 Meatme
Kathrin Doppler

the ritual of offering yourself

18:30 Danger-new collectors!
Diana Lira

auction / performance
An one-work exhibition about the art market report of 2016. Participate and get your own Warhol.

19:00 in progress
Simone Mutti
Live bar-intervention with Massimo Bertinelli (Stall6)

19:30 -22:00
    u             a
Peter Tränkle

Live-production and sale of post-soviet-train-coaches out of chocolate from Switzerland and Kazakhstan. Buy it! Eat it! Be it!

Eintritt jederzeit möglich
27 Sa Nordflügel
17.00 bis 23.00
28 So Nordflügel
17.00 bis 23.00